Storm Preparation
Tropical depressions, storms and hurricanes are just a fact of life here in SWFL, so we’ve decided to give you some helpful hints and propane safety tips in the event of a disaster. First of all, having a readiness plan is of utmost importance. Many, if not most of us will lose power during a bad storm, sometimes for days or even weeks! When this happens your propane grill and appliances become a crucial appliance for cooking your meals and sanitizing your drinking water.
Stock up on your propane early. When there is a storm headed our way we get BUSY! Sometimes our line for propane tank refills is out the door and around the building. While this is good for us, it’s not so good for you when you have a long list of other things to do to prepare for the storm. It’s good to keep in mind that here at Grill & Fill you can come in and “top off” your tank any time. Bring your tank in and we will weigh it, fill it to 20lbs and you only pay for what you get (unlike the exchange cabinets). By keeping a couple full tanks on hand at home you can avoid the line and the wait in the event of a serious storm. Propane does not degrade or deteriorate (there is no shelf-life) if kept for long periods of time. Always store your propane tanks outside, NEVER indoors or in an enclosed area such as a garage or shed.
In case of widespread power outages we are equipped with generators to continuously dispense propane to those in need. Our re-supply chain is strong enough to avoid any shortages.When SWFL is under and hurricane “watch”, “warning” or “in the cone of uncertainty”, as mentioned above, we will have long lines to fill propane tanks. CASH will help us to save time and serve more customers faster, without the delay of using the credit/debit card machine. Cash-paying customers will have priority.
Also, please put your name or other identifying mark on your tank so that you can easily identify it among the other tanks being filled at the same time.
While we inspect each propane tank before each refill, it’s a good idea to inspect your own tank and propane appliances at home as well. Check for any water damage, broken parts or rust (especially on the tanks). DO NOT attempt to repair or modify any valves, regulators or other appliance parts on your own. If you believe that you have a problem please call us and we will be happy to help you
In case of widespread power outages we are equipped with generators to continuously dispense propane to those in need. Our re-supply chain is strong enough to avoid any shortages.
NEVER use your propane appliances (grills, propane heaters, portable generators) indoors or enclosed areas. This could result in carbon monoxide poisoning or death.
Remember that pretty much anything that you cook with electricity can be cooked on a grill. You can also use your grill to heat up your canned goods and boil water so it’s safe to drink.
Be safe!