Frequently Asked Questions
I just need my tank filled. Do I need to bring anything else with me?
Nope. Just bring us your tank and we will fill it for you.
What type of grills do you sell?
Grill & Fill, Inc., sells grills from different major manufacturers in America. If you have your eye on something special, let us know and, if we do not already have it, we will do our best to get it for you.
How long will my grill last?
A gas grill’s lifespan will vary depending on the quality of materials it was built with, the environment it stays in, and the how frequently it’s used. Because all steel contains iron, it will eventually rust no matter how well you care for it. But regular grill cleaning and maintenance is a normal and necessary part of ownership that’ll extend your gas grill’s life for years.
How do I light a gas grill?
Factory ignition comes in one of four types, so there are different ways to light different grills. You should first consult your owner’s manual to determine which ignition method your model uses, then check out how to light a gas grill for specifics. Keep in mind that your grill may have secondary ignition options such a flash tube or simple match-on-a-stick.
I bought a grill from you a couple years ago and now it is not working right. What do I do?
Call us! It doesn’t matter how long ago you purchased it, we will be happy to help you troubleshoot your issue. If we cannot solve it over the phone, we offer in-home repairs.
My burners are not working like they used to and they are covered in black stuff. What is that and what do I do?
Just like your car, you grill needs to be cleaned every once in a while. Your burners probably need a good cleaning. Bring the burners to either of our locations and we will be happy to help with this.
I bought a grill from someone else, can you still help me with it?
How long does a propane tank last with a gas grill?
The run time on an average size grill would be 20 hours on a refilled tank. However, if an exchange tank is used they only have 15 pounds of propane in them so it would be 15 hours of cooking time. It’s roughly one pound per hour of cooking time.
Why is it so important to keep my grill clean?
Grills are expensive, and if not maintained, they will break down more easily, corrode and rust. Think of all those burnt pieces of meat that have fallen through the grates. Dirty BBQ's also can grow mold and attract rodents. Old grease and dirt that is built up that can clog your burners and cause other issues including grease fires. Cleaning your grill after each use can protect your investment and prolong the life of your grill while also giving you a cleaner and more hygienic way of grilling.
My gas grill has a small flame and will not reach temperatures above 275 degrees, even when the grill is on “high.” My flames go out when all burners are turned on. What do I do?
Before opening the tank valve, be sure that all the grill knobs, including side burners or rotisserie burners, are in the “off” position. Then, slowly open the valve, allowing the gas to ease into the hose. This will prevent a surge of pressure. After grilling, turn the grill knobs to the “off” position before closing the tank valve.
Here is what is happening: The new QCC (a black plastic nut with right-hand threads) and the quick disconnect (a small bayonet commonly used with the air hose equipment) contain small devices known as the “excess flow valve.” The excess flow valve is designed to reduce the amount of gas flow down to 10% of its maximum flow in the event of a leak or a slight pressure surge. This surge could occur if the grill knobs are in the “ON” position when opening the tank or if the tank is opened too quickly.
To reset the flow limiter, close the valve on the gas tank. Then restart the grill while your tank is off. After the flame goes out, turn the grill to off position. Then slowly reopen the gas tank valve.
If the problem continues after following the steps above, check your grill for leaks or call us for service or repair.